The Importance Of Creating A Hard Perimeter For Political Events

We’re currently in an election year here in the United States with political events happening from coast to coast.  The political conventions for both the Republican and Democratic have wrapped up but there will still be more events to come.

Security at these events are extremely important and viewpoints from multiple parties are taken into consideration when developing a hard perimeter.  Given the high passions for politics here in the states, it’s important for organizations hosting these events to understand the what, where, and why a hard perimeter matters.

What is a hard perimeter?

A hard perimeter is a designated line where a mix of different perimeter security solutions, like anti-climb high security fencing, HVM vehicle barriers, and other technologies are deployed to prevent unauthorized access into the restricted or “clean zone”.

Oftentimes when visiting a political event, the hard perimeter is where the fencing starts.

How do you determine where the perimeter will be set?

The truth of the matter is that there is no set protocol for determining where the perimeter will be deployed.  Every event is different and multiple factors go into determining this line.

  • What buildings need to be protected?
  • Will there be vehicle access to the restricted area?
  • Are there any planned protests?
  • Will there be pedestrian access to the restricted area?

And many more questions that need to be answered.

What fence should be used for a hard perimeter at political events?

Given that protests are common at political events, and some of those can turn into civil unrest, having an anti-climb high security fence solution is critical to safety of personnel and attendees as well as protecting property.

These fences need to be high enough where unauthorized persons can not easily jump on and lift themselves over.  Nor should the panels be easily removed by hand or with simple tools.

But not all fences are the same…

At this year's Democratic National Convention in Chicago IL, there was a breach in the perimeter outside of the United Center from unruly protesters looking to cause chaos.  Although, how these protesters removed the fence panel is unknown to the public, this shows the need for proper and secure fencing technology to be deployed.

What other perimeter security equipment is important?

When creating a secure perimeter, it is important to have access points for pedestrians and also vehicles.  These vehicle access points allow emergency vehicles and other authorized vehicles to enter and exit the secured perimeter under the authority of the law enforcement controlling the perimeter.

Vehicle threats are a real danger and we have recently written about the rise in vehicle attacks across the United States and taking a hard look at the need for HVM barriers.  In most political conventions that have a hard perimeter, the choice of vehicle barrier will be a mobile wedge barrier.  These barriers are heavy, allow authorized vehicles to enter, and can stop heavy trucks at high speeds.


Protecting people is important.  When planning these large or small political events, implementing a security plan is critical.  Working with law enforcement agencies and professional groups that specialize in these specific events to set a hard perimeter in place could be different in the outcome of the event.

Deploying perimeter security equipment that is quick to install, effective at its function, and difficult to bypass or destroy will put you on your way to a secure perimeter.

If you are in need of help setting a hard perimeter, contact our team at ARX Perimeters.  We have experience and our products having been used in political conventions and other special events.


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More about the author

Carson Schenk

Carson is the Director of Marketing at ARX Perimeters and has been since March of 2024. With over a decade of experience in marketing and 5 years of experience marketing for organizations in the Critical Infrastructure sectors, he was the first Director of Marketing to be hired by ARX. He is responsible for building and deploying the organization's inbound and outbound digital and traditional marketing strategies.

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